is now part of!

*** From the Archives ***

This article is from March 25, 2013, and is no longer current.

InDesignSecrets Buys InDesign Magazine and


We’re so pleased to announce that our family has just gotten bigger? and we’d like to introduce you to our new brother and sister: and InDesign Magazine. Yes, Publishing Secrets (that’s the parent company of InDesignSecrets) just adopted them! (Well, okay, “acquired” might be a better word, but we’re trying to go with the “family” theme here.)

You might have thought that InDesignSecrets published InDesign Magazine, but actually — while David Blatner did co-found it — the magazine has always been owned and operated by which was, in turn, owned by Printing For Less. (Actually, the history is even more interesting: Did you know that CreativePro was originally launched by Extensis in 1999?!)

We have all kinds of ideas for both the magazine and the site, but it’s going to take some time to get those things going. So in the near future you probably won’t notice much of a difference. The very able Mike Rankin continues to be our Editor in Chief for both. Anyone who already has a subscription to the magazine will keep getting it (we’re working on issue 53 now). And all the great columns and articles that you’ve grown to love will keep coming.

We (David Blatner and Anne-Marie Concepcion) have each been involved with computer publishing and educating creative professionals for over 25 years, and it is our mission to bring you the best information about design, graphics, and publishing available anywhere. InDesign is a key part of the equation, of course, but so are Photoshop and Illustrator, fonts and photography, HTML and PDF and EPUB? that’s where CreativePro comes in!

Our live conference, PEPCON: The Print + ePublishing Conference, was our first significant leap. (Remember the next PEPCON will be in Austin in just over a month!) Now, CreativePro and InDesign Magazine allow us to take it to the next level.

If you’re not currently a subscriber to InDesign Magazine, we encourage you to sign up today! It’s a great magazine and will only get better! And, to be honest, subscribing is the primary way you can help support InDesignSecrets (and the thousands of free tips and tricks here on this site).

We look forward to many more years of sharing awesome information with you!

  • Matt Mayerchak says:

    Congratulations! Great news. It makes total sense to have all of these entities in the same family. As long as you don’t ban telecommuting! :-)

  • Scott Citron says:

    As the first designer of InDesign Magazine, congratulations to David and Anne-Marie for this latest accomplishment. Two more capable people to take over the magazine’s ownership and that of can’t be found. Best wishes and continued good luck going forward.

  • Cari Jansen says:

    Congratulations guys! Well done :) Look forward to what is to come… :)

  • Bob Levine says:

    Mazel tov. I can’t imagine two better people to take all of this to the next level!

    Can’t wait to see what you guys come up with.

  • Terri Stone says:

    Huzzah! I can’t wait to see where you take these publications!

  • Andrea Swingley says:

    How exciting! Congratulations on the newest additions to the InDesignSecrets family :)

  • Gene Gable says:

    Hearty congratulations! This is great news to the design community and we all look forward to the outcome when all your resources come together.

  • Congratulations! Looking forward to what comes out of all this potential under one roof.

  • Chuck says:

    I have charley horses in my cheeks!!!

    Let the horns sound and the audience revel in joyous clicking!

  • Chris Ryland says:

    Great news, Anne-Marie and David!

    Look forward to working with your expanded family.

  • F vd Geest says:

    April first already?

  • Andrea Stork says:

    Hooray Hooray Hooray! This is great news. Congratulations for a fan and subscriber.


  • Andrea Stork says:

    ^ Oops, above should have read: “Congratulations from a fan and subscriber.”

  • “April first already?” HA! LOL. No… not quite yet. This one is real. :)

  • Rita Zimmerman says:

    Congratulations! Very exciting news! Can’t wait to see where you take everything.

  • Kriss Laber says:


    please do an epub version… please do an epub version…

  • Jongware says:

    “Gefeliciteerd en veel succes!” from The Netherlands as well!

  • F vd Geest says:

    He Jongware! Nou geen 1 aprilgrap dus ;-) En dat allemaal in het Nederlands!
    (Sorry folks, just some Dutch)

  • Adam Jury says:

    Interesting news, congrats to all involved! :D

  • Gary Schelling says:

    If I can add my comments to the InDesign luminaries who have already done so… thank you! I’ve been a follower of both CreativePro (since the Extensis days BTW — in fact I think I once received a copy of Suitcase as one of their weekly prizes, but I used FontReserve at the time, so gave it to a co-worker).
    I’m really looking forward to you both adding your own personal panache to both endeavours.
    Cheers and congrats!

  • Jeff Potter says:

    Congratulations and best wishes!

  • Peter Gold says:

    David and Anne-Marie, you both must be completely crazy! But this isn’t new. To have done all the great stuff that’s made wonderfully rich resources for the best creative community in the world, you’ve gotta be nuts.

    Best wishes for continued “insanely great” success. (Hmm… that sounds vaguely familiar.)


    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Thank you all! We’re pretty excited too, and your warm wishes make it even sweeter.

  • Jan Kabili says:

    Exciting news! Congrats to Anne-Marie, David, Mike and everyone involved.

  • That?s big news! I love it… Congrats!

  • Congratulations! Sounds great.

  • Steve Werner says:

    Great news! Congratulations!

  • Scott Boucher says:

    As an InDesign magazine subscriber who can’t afford the hefty price of attending PepCon, I would really like to see some of the ideas and information from the convention sessions covered in InDesign magazine. Maybe even a whole issue. Also, keep the epub and DPS stories coming. Understanding how InDesign fits into the ever changing mobile publishing world is critical for so many of us. Can’t think of anyone better to explain it than David, Anne Marie and Mike. (Love Mike’s InDesign courses on too)

  • Garrick says:

    Congratulations, this is wonderful news! It’s nice to see everyone under one roof.

  • Fadlabi says:

    Congratulations! Great news!

  • Medhat Eid says:


  • Claudio Marconato says:

    Congratulations!!! Are you hiring contributors??

  • Very cool. Congrats!

  • Tom Watson says:

    This is outstanding news! Congratulations. No wonder it has been busy. Wow! This is going to be great.

  • Claudio, we’re always looking for contributors! For here and for the magazine and for

  • Clint Funk says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!! Great news, both for you and the greater design community. Finally some positive news about an acquisition that I know good things will come from.

  • Daryl Askey says:

    Congratulations! Your contribution to InDesign learning is really second-to-none.

  • Jaderi says:

    Congratulations, this is wonderful news! It?s nice to see everyone under one

  • Amy Adams says:

    Congratulations!! Bes wishes for continued successs!

  • Man, this is absolutely great news. I have been a subscriber of InDesign magazine since the very first issue. I can’t wait to see what you guys have planned. I’m really excited about this and I also think the audience will grow from this. By the way, thanks to David, Mike, and my favourite, Ann-Marie. I have learned so much from the podcasts, the videos, seminars, and this site.

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