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Issue 30: Business Card Design

June/July 2009

Better Business Card Design

Nigel French shows examples of cards that stand out from the crowd without losing sight of the business card basics.

Easy TOC Formatting

As Keith Gilbert explains, if you’re formatting tables of contents manually, you’re needlessly giving yourself trouble.

InStep: Fast, Error-Free Advertiser Indexes

Peter Spier shows you how to use a TOC to auto-generate an index to advertisers.


Sandee Cohen answers your burning InDesign questions.

InDepth: Send Your Paragraphs to GREP School

Michael Murphy shows even the most code-wary designer how a little GREP can save a lot of time.

InTime: Give Yourself a Running Start

Try Pariah Burke’s tips and be done with work early!

InDesigners: Sesame Workshop

The creatives behind Sesame Street and many other shows for kids talk to David Blatner and spread some InDesign love.

InReview: Batch Output Apps & Gluon StudioPack

Claudia McCue compares three ways to handle elaborate output; Jeremy Schultz weighs the worth of a software bundle.

InBrief: Quick Takes on Helpful Products

Jeff Gamet lets you in on new and improved products.

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