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*** From the Archives ***

This article is from January 30, 2011, and is no longer current.

New Script for Applying Object Styles While Placing Images in CS5


As has been discussed here before, you can’t have InDesign automatically apply an object style when you’re placing an image. It’s disappointing, but it’s just one of those things. You try. You sigh. You move on. Sure, there is the trick of naming an object style “Place Gun Frame,” but that’s more of an Easter egg than a full fledged feature. But now for users of InDesign CS5, there is another answer. It is a free script written by Marijan Tompa (tomaxxi), author of two InDesign blogs, IndiTip (tips and tricks) and IndiSnip (scripting snippets). You can read more about the script and download it here. After you install the script, there will be two new items at the bottom of the Object menu:

Once you choose Enable tomaxxiPLACE, you will be able to select an Object style and have it “stick” when you place an image. Even better, you can select which object style to apply, while you are placing an image (when you have a loaded cursor). So you can load up a whole bunch of images and apply different object styles as needed while you place ’em. Very cool.

  • Eugene Tyson says:

    Wow that’s pretty cool. Thanks for sharing!

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