Backwards page numbering?

Learn / Forums / General InDesign Topics / Backwards page numbering?

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    • #77671
      Matt Mayerchak

      A client just posed an interesting problem: she is designing a book that has several pages with normal, Western-style page numbering, and then the 2nd half of the book has to be numbered backwards. The pages are not upside down or anything; they just need to be numbered from 200 to 1 in reverse order.

      I can’t think of any automatic way to do this and have them update automatically if pages are added or deleted etc.

      Does anybody know of a way? Is this a script solution? Probably not worth writing a script for a one-shot project.

      I suspect that it’s one of those times where you just have to do it manually. But, if anyone has any suggestions, I’d love to hear them.

    • #77680
      Eugene Tyson

      Reverse page numbering

      Jongware eludes that it can be scripted.

      I don’t know though.

    • #77682

      Is the “other” half for a right-to-left language like Arabic or Hebrew?
      If so, I’d set the two halves up as separate documents, and use the Middle East features to number the 2nd half correctly. Then let the printers combine the two.


    • #77691
      Matt Mayerchak

      It’s for a book where the last 200 pages are a reproduction of a Japanese sketchbook. Yes, we could split out the InDesign docs, and let the printer figure out the imposition by combining the PDFs.

      But, unless I’m wrong, we would need a Middle Eastern (or Asian?) version of InDesign to do the backwards numbering. Is this a feature that is available using the North American version?

      The page numbering is likely to change so doing it manually is a bit of a drag, but at this point, since it’s a one-off and we don’t frequently work on this kind of thing, I don’t expect there to be any other way.

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