DataMerge for shapes in Indesign

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    • #76242
      Mohad D

      Hi Ppl, I’m new to In-design and trying to accomplish the following.

      I want to create a text box in a particular height and width while using the data merge feature. For example this is the data source :

      Name Country Size
      John US 20cm

      When I use this data source, it should fill in the above detail on the placeholder and create a box with size 20cm with the country name on it. how do i do this?

    • #76244
      Masood Ahmad
    • #76246
      Loic Aigon

      Hi Mohad,

      Nor Datamerge, nor XML import will let you rearrange frame dimensions on the fly. It’s only a matter of Scripting here (given that you want to set a specific dimension. Otherwise frame options can help).

    • #76304
      Mohad D

      can someone help me with the script if i give the dimensions ?

    • #76323
      Eugene Tyson

      The Text Frame can autosize on importation of the data merge, but you can’t dictate the size.

      Best to find the longest size, set the font size to fit this at the required size. Then use the data merge feature.

    • #76374
      Mohad D

      Thanks guys..will try it out and keep you posted

    • #76391
      Loic Aigon

      Try this :

      var fn = function() {
      var doc, fgp =,
      found, n, errors = 0, hu, vu;

      if ( !app.documents.length) return;

      doc = app.activeDocument;

      hu = doc.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits;
      vu = doc.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits;

      doc.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits =
      doc.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits =

      app.findGrepPreferences = null;

      app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = “\\d+cm”;

      found = doc.findGrep();
      n = found.length;

      while ( n– ) {
      !doResize ( found[n] ) && errors++;
      } = fgp;

      doc.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = hu;
      doc.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = vu;

      alert( errors? errors+” errors occured on “+found.length+” occurences.” : “Everything was fine.” );

      var doResize = function(text) {
      const ap = AnchorPoint.TOP_LEFT_ANCHOR,
      cs = CoordinateSpaces.INNER_COORDINATES,
      var ptf, uv, w, props;

      if ( !text.parentTextFrames.length
      || !text.parentTextFrames[0].isValid
      || !/.+cm$/i.test(text.contents) ) return false;

      uv = new UnitValue ( text.contents.slice (0, -2), “cm” ).as(“pt”);
      ptf = text.parentTextFrames[0];
      props = getPageItemProperties ( ptf );
      ptf.resize ( cs,ap, rm, [uv, props.height] );
      return true;

      var getPageItemProperties = function(pi) {
      var points = pi.paths[0].entirePath,
      n = points.length, i = 0,
      dummy, bounds, w, h;
      const cs = CoordinateSpaces.INNER_COORDINATES;
      var newPoints = [];

      while ( i < n ) {

      newPoints [ i ] = pi.resolve ( points[i], cs )[0];

      dummy = app.activeDocument.polygons.add();
      dummy.paths[0].entirePath = newPoints;
      bounds = dummy.geometricBounds;
      w = Math.round ( Math.abs ( bounds[3]-bounds[1])*1000)/1000;
      h = Math.round ( Math.abs ( bounds[2]-bounds[0])*1000)/1000;

      return {width:w, height:h};



    • #76682
      Colin Flashman

      You could do this if you were using the chartwell bars font AND the auto-resize as Eugene suggests in his post.

      You would have to change the width of the chartwell bar font using the character scaling.

      See this post to get an idea of what i’m talking about.

      Catch is, chartwell isn’t free – US$139 last time i checked.

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