Export options disappeared!! [ID CC 2014]

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    • #74132

      I’ve recently updated my InDesign CC app, and I’ve just gone to export a file, and I have no options!! No Interactive PDF, no Print PDF, no JPG, no PNG, no EPS etc.

      – I’ve restarted the machine
      – I’ve trashed preferences

      Before I restarted, it would only export as a PNG (which was the last export file format I’d used). After restarting and trashing prefs, its default is an interactive PDF. But no pull-down menu to give me any options! There is NO pull down menu within the pop-up palette.

      Has anyone else had this issue?

      Snapshot of the pop-up > https://imgur.com/QLRlgqJ

    • #74133

      I’ve just uninstalled and re-installed ID, and that seems to have fixed it!

    • #74141
      David Blatner

      Glad you got it fixed. That is definitely one of the more weird problems I’ve seen recently.

    • #75725

      I have it happens to me once. Recently it also happened to two of my client. Weird!

    • #75726
      Harison Silva

      Tem como fazer um texto em perspectiva no InDesign. Uma palavra inteira, como no Illustrator?

      It is to make text in perspective in InDesign. A whole word, as in Illustrator?

    • #75733
      Harison Silva

      Muito obrigado. Eu queria fazê-lo com um parágrafo inteiro ou com uma imagem também. Usei um truque usando a ferramenta “Distorcer” em ângulos variados que me ajudou um pouco.

      [Thank you very much. I wanted to do it with a whole paragraph or a picture too. I used a trick using the “Distort” tool in varying angles that helped me a little.]

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