"Forced hyphenation" issue in PDF to eBook conversion

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    • #78009

      Lately our clients are sending the print PDFs of books I created in Indesign to eBook conversion services. One of the services claimed that there were instanced of “forced hyphenation” in one of our PDFs, and that we are responsible for removing them before exporting the Indesign file to PDF. The thing is, there are no forced, manual, or discretionary hyphens in the Indesign file, nor are there any forced line breaks.

      What the heck might these guys be talking about?

    • #78829
      Aaron Troia

      Are you sending the PDF out for eBook development? If so, it sounds like they are trying to say that their OCR software doesn’t clean up hyphenation and if your PDF has hyphenation, it’s going to be included in the eBook. I donno if that’s, in fact, what they are saying, but it’s a thought.

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