GREP find change in paragraph styles

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    • #74185

      Please help,
      Looking for a GREP solution to use within a paragraph style that will look for a bullet character followed by a space or multiple spaces and replace it with bullet tab. We are working with data that has been inputted inconsistently where bullets are often followed by one or more spaces rather than a tab character. I know I could do this via the find and replace function, however as this data is linked to a live database it gets continually updated and will revert back to how it was (unless changed in the database which I have no control over). If I could add this to the paragraph style then it would correct this formatting automatically. Here’s an example of what I’m on about:

      • line 1 has a space after bullet
      • this line has a tab
      •this line has no space or tab
      • line 1 has 2 spaces after bullet

      Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • #74187
      Aaron Troia

      Hey John,

      This might look messy (and there’s probably an easier way of doing it, I’m sure) but I got it to work even with multiple spaces after the bullet. Unfortunately you cannot integrate this as GREP in your paragraph style as the GREP feature in the paragraph styles does not have a replace field (I wish there was a Replace field, for situations like this), so you will have to do this with Find/Change.

      Find: ~8\K((\w)| +)(?!\t)
      Change: \t$2

    • #74193

      Many thanks for your reply, I feared as much that it couldn’t be done through the paragraph style.
      Ideally I need to get them to sort the data out!
      Thanks again.

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