Help: How to extract selected page/s on indesign file?

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    • #82526

      Hello! Is there someone here who can help to me on how to extract selected page/s on indesign file? ASAP. :)

    • #82528
      Masood Ahmad

      You can use the “Move Pages” command in the Pages panel by right clicking on the selected pages(s) and moving it to a different file. You can also check the option “Delete pages after moving”, if you wish to delete the moved pages from the current document.

      P.S: Make sure you have the second file open in your InDesign.

    • #113312

      tried this but my only options for move are “specific folder” so i do not get options to browse to other folders to save this file … it only lets me move pages around in the document. I an running the latest cc version

    • #113407

      You can’t move pages to a folder – you have to make a new, blank document, and move the pages to that.

      I Acrobat, you can extract selected pages, and save them, but not in InDesign.

    • #113538

      Save your document as a template. Then open a new document with the template and delete the pages you don’t need. All your content and styles will remain.

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