In-Line Headings with Indents?

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    • #72862

      Greetings InDesign braintrust! I beseech thee for assistance with creating a paragraph style or whatever alternate technique will allow me to efficiently create in-line headings that appear as a two-column layout. A narrow column on the left where the headings are aligned to the left margin, then a right column where the body copy under each heading goes. The body copy will need to wrap so that the headings are lined up with the first line of each new section. Hopefully that makes sense.

      I was thinking of setting up uneven columns to do it. I considered using anchored frames as well but I want to be able to edit the headings easily.

      Thanks in advance for your help!

    • #72864

      Hi all,

      I was able to fix my own problem and thought I would share with the group. The way I set the styles up:

      For the sections that needed the two-column layout, I set up a character style as a nested style, which makes the type bold and all caps up to the first tab. I set a tab stop 1.25″ from the left, used a -1.25″ first line indent and a 1.25″ indent. So when I type the text “Header<tab>Some Text Here” the word HEADER appears in bold on the left, and the remaining text in the paragraph is 1.25″ indented (the first line being taken care of by the tab stop, and the rest taken care of by the overall indent.)

      Hope this helps anyone else who has had the same problem, and if there is a better way to do this, I would love to hear it!

    • #72868

      How about a table with invisible borders, and then apply different styles to the 2 columns? Easy to adjust afterwards, and easy if you happen to need a heading longer than your 1.25 inch which would otherwise wrap things awkwardly.
      Or did I misunderstand your description?


    • #72874

      Thanks for the suggestion, Chris. A table would be serviceable as a possible solution, but my concerns would be having to adjust the inset amounts and other details. More importantly, I would also have to manually insert a table anytime I wanted to include another section with this same format. With the way I have it set up, I can just click the paragraph style and use the <tab> key to jump from the heading to the body text. Ideally, I would have liked to have mapped it to a new paragraph using a copy of two body styles in case I decided to abandon the two-column format, but this will suffice.

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