replace stroke with gap in table

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    • #79483

      I’m new to tables and I’d like to replace a gap for a column stroke. This is possible isn’t it?

      Any help would be great. Thanks.

    • #79490

      If you make the column stroke very wide (say 5 points or more) and then make it the same colour as the background? Then it will look like a gap.
      Is that what you mean?

      Good luck,

    • #79508

      Thanks, Chris.The stroke is behind the column so its not showing. How is this changed?

      Also while I’m on the subject, I’m having trouble selecting the table so I can access the options-I try using the direct selection tool and some times it works and others it doesn’t. Am I missing some thing else?


    • #79523

      Looks like you need to set your ‘Stroke Drawing Order’ to ‘Column Strokes in front’. You can do this under the ‘Table Setup’ options. The option for the ‘Stroke Drawing Order’ is located at the bottom of that window.

      As for selecting a table to access its options. There are a few ways:

      One way is to mouse over the left edge or top edge of your table until you see the table arrow indicator, then click, now you should have a row or column selected, then simply press SHIFT+ALT+CMD+B (on a Mac) to bring up the table options (or right click on the selected area and choose ‘Table Setup > Table Options’.

      Another way is to select just a cell by clicking in a cell so that you can see the flashing cursor, then press ESC, then press SHIFT+ALT+CMD+B to bring up the table options.

      TIP: If you want to apply certain formatting to the whole table without using the Table Options dialog window, you can select the entire table by mousing over the top left corner of your table and when you see a -45º arrow you can select the entire table. You can also select the entire table by using the shortcut ALT+CMD+A, but you must have at least one cell selected first.

    • #79540

      Finally got it to work! Thanks, Jahrod.

    • #79543

      As my design progresses I find myself needing to make additional changes to the table like eliminating strokes on the headers only and certain columns -outlined in orange-

      Any ideas?

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