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What is the Meaning of DT in the Links Panel?


Before I hand over any InDesign document to a client as “final” I have a list of items that I always check. I make sure the pasteboards are clean, that no empty text or image frames are floating around, and that my style lists don’t include any styles imported from other programs like Word. Of course, this final check also includes checking the Preflight Status and the Links Panel.

While checking the Links panel for a document I was working on last year, I noticed that there were a few images that had “PB,” “OV,” and “DT” next to them in the Page column. Easy fixes, right?

InDesign Links panel showinf DT location of image

I had images on the pasteboard (PB), which I fixed by deleting them or moving them back onto the page. I also had anchored images in overset text (OV), which also showed up in the Preflight Status as errors. I took care of those by fixing the overset text.

At that point, the Preflight Status listed no errors that would prevent the file from printing or exporting correctly. But wait! The Links panel indicated that my document still wasn’t quite ready for me to hand off, as I had a good number of images with “DT” after them.

InDesign Links panel showinf DT location of image

This was a long document with many images, and I had no idea how to find and fix the problem, because I didn’t even know what DT stood for.

I tried to select the links and select the Go to Link option from the panel menu, but that resulted in the following error message.

InDesign error message deleted text

Then I remembered that our copyeditor used the Story Editor to edit the text and she had Track Changes turned on. This is how I could see the deleted text and the deleted links.

InDesign Track Changes Accept Change command

So, I opened the Story Editor (Edit > Edit in Story Editor or press Command/Ctrl+Y) and found the links in question were anchored in text that had been deleted. In order for the DTs in the Links panel to be resolved, I had to open the Track Changes panel, or right-click on the deleted image anchor in the text and accept the change for each image that was deleted in the Story Editor—or even better, I could Accept All Changes in the Track Changes panel.

I know these deleted images were not generating an error that would cause a problem in the output of this file, but it’s always nice to resolve any issues and hand off a nice, clean file.

  • Bianca says:

    This happens to me quite often, if the file has a lot of images like that, one way I find it easier to solve is to open the “track changes” panel and accept all the changes in the document, so clean them all at once.

  • Another one is LC – “Loaded Cursor”.

  • Vinny 38 says:

    In addition to Kevin’s great idea to list cases, let’s not forget:
    HT (Hidden Text) that stands for anchored graphic in a hidden conditional text
    MP (master page) Although I’ve never seen this one happen, but Master prefix instead :-/

    Aaand because one day French will overtake English language (mouhaha), let’s prepare for the future:
    PB (pasteboard) = NP (Table de montage (sic))
    MP (master page) = GA (GAbarit (still never seen it)
    OV (overset text) = EX (Texte en EXcès)
    HT (hidden text) = TM (Texte conditionnel Masqué)
    LC (Loaded Cursor) = PL (Elément du premier plan chargé dans le curseur d’importation (sic again))
    DT (Deleted text) = TS (Texte supprimé)

    To be continued?

  • Willie says:

    One of the things I am always trying to tell my students is, you have to become problems solvers! When this kind of thing comes up, how are you going to resolve it? This is an excellent example, and I’m definitely going to share it – thank you!

  • Laurie Miller says:

    I am curious, does this happen when someone uses InCopy, too? I’m writing out of ignorance.

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