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InDesign How-to Video: Find File Size and Location


In this week’s InDesign Secrets video, Anne-Marie Concepción shows how to quickly determine the exact size of an InDesign file and a quick way to see the file’s location—and jump right to it.

Check out the growing collection of video tutorials on our InDesign Secrets YouTube channel (new tutorials published every Tuesday), then join the discussion on our Facebook group!

Editor in Chief of CreativePro. Instructor at LinkedIn Learning with courses on InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, GIMP, Inkscape, and Affinity Publisher. Co-author of The Photoshop Visual Quickstart Guide with Nigel French.
  • Dwayne Harris says:

    Usually when I am working on a file, I have the finder folder the file is in open. So I can see what I am opening. (i.e., I have my job folder open)

    It’s much easier to look at the open window and see the file size.

    How is someone working on a file if they don’t even know where it is to begin with? I mean, how did they open it originally to even work on it?

    And–you can put the info box into your sidebar by dragging it there and saving your workspace so it’s always there.

    Apologize that I don’t care for the tip. I just don’t understand how someone is working on a file by not even knowing where the file is to begin with.

    Maybe I’m missing something or have a different workflow.

    • Simon S. says:

      So you never File > Open a document from InDesign ? Or use the Open Recent command ? Sometimes I find this much quicker.

      • Dwayne Harris says:

        Very rarely, Simon. I usually have my job folder open and I drag the ID file to my InDesign app in the dock.

        I do, sometimes use most recent.

  • Nat Samson says:

    Hi Anne-Marie,

    Great tip about the info window and the size of the document, thanks!

    Regarding finding “where” your document is, you can also quickly right click on the document’s name in the menu bar (working window).

  • Chad Beery says:

    I love this tip! I often open files from the recent folder or open them from bridge and then navigate bridge to a different location.
    I’ve now set shortcuts so I can hit alt-b to open in Bridge and alt-e to open in Explorer.

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