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Layout Grid Calculator for Book Page Design


Do you design books or other long documents? If so, you probably use some kind of grids to guide your page designs, and have a method for determining the grid specs. If you want a little help calculating your page grids, check out the Layout Grid Calculator for InDesign by Jean-Lou Désiré. It offers three different methods for calculating grids, Modular Grid, Multicolumn Grid, and Tschichold’s Golden Canon. Each one includes several fields for you to enter information used to calculate the grid, like page width and height, font size and leading, etc.

layout grid calculator for InDesign

Calculating perfect page grids is no trivial task, but the Layout Grid Calculator may help take some of the time and tedium out of the process.

Editor in Chief of CreativePro. Instructor at LinkedIn Learning with courses on InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, GIMP, Inkscape, and Affinity Publisher. Co-author of The Photoshop Visual Quickstart Guide with Nigel French.
  • Lovely. I’ve developed a similar script 2 years ago: margins calculator. Check it on :-)

  • Godfried Vonk says:

    I wanted to use the grid today but it seems to be removed…

  • Godfried Vonk says:

    O.K., it’s back online :^)

  • Jean-Lou Désiré says:

    Hi, guys just to announce you that we now have an InDesign CC plugin for this calculator.

  • Abraham says:

    This guy “was inspired” by my hard work, quite sickening actually. He even use to be my customer of our Grid Calculator PE (that’s the worst part). I don’t mean to rain on anyones parade but just thought I’d express my opinion and I detected an issue as well that will cause issues. So image-lines was invented by me and my former teacher, the name modular also. Anyhow, I hope he won’t ripoff more stuff.

  • Jean-Lou Désiré says:

    Hi Abraham, although I do not think I need to defend it, I wanted to express that I am saddened to see the cheap strategy you are using here to try to discredit this product. If you’re honest enough, you’ll find that the only thing that looks like your calculator is the principle of using font leading and page size to create a grid (a method already used by other people). Everything else is so different. UI / UX is completely different. The code is totally from scratch (besides, it uses CEP platform while older plugins use C++), it has features you don’t have and vice-versa. I do not understand why you call it a “ripoff”…better to call it (with dignity) a competitor.

  • Scott Citron says:

    Jean-Lou, is there a demo of your plug-in we could try? I didn’t see one on your website?

  • Images-lines and multi-column (or whatever you call it) is basically what my Smart Mode does. I have no problems with competition, in my eyes, due to (image-lines and multi-column) that its partially a rip-off, sorry. So it was not a cheap strategy, its just honesty. Not interested in a discussion, so I will leave it at that. I just respectfully ask you not to “be inspired” by the new coming stuff I have worked hard on to develop as I prefer we go our own ways in peace.

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