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*** From the Archives ***

This article is from December 13, 2008, and is no longer current.

Real World Photoshop and Illustrator Now Available


Just in time for the holidays, I’m happy to say that Real World Photoshop for Photographers CS4 (by Conrad Chavez and myself) and Real World Illustrator CS4 (by Mordy Golding) are now available. What about Real World InDesign CS4? Unfortunately, that won’t be out until… well, probably early February. My apologies (it’s largely my fault for being so dang busy). But in the meantime, anyone who uses Photoshop or Illustrator should check these other titles out.

Note that the Photoshop book has been slimmed down a bit, and focused on the needs of photographers. The Illustrator book has gotten even cooler, especially because it’s now in all-color and with lots of new info. For more information on the Real World book, check out Mordy’s excellent Real World Illustrator Blog.

You can find other book suggestions on our Books page.

David Blatner is the co-founder of the Creative Publishing Network, InDesign Magazine, CreativePro Magazine, and the author or co-author of 15 books, including Real World InDesign. His InDesign videos at LinkedIn Learning ( are among the most watched InDesign training in the world.
You can find more about David at

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  • Jeremy says:

    They’re not available in Europe yet! You can pre-order in time for the holidays, but I don’t think any European should expect to actually GET them any time before the holidays…

    Having said that, I’ll bet they’re really worth having, and with the current amazing Euro-Sterling exchange rate, now’s the time to order via Amazon UK.

    Having said that, I’ll bet it would be much better to get a big fat interesting book in your Christmas stocking than a thin card saying you’ll get a really nice book at the end of next month.

  • Eugene says:

    Real World Indesign CS3 and Real World Photoshop Cs2 have been an invaluable addition to my desk. I broke the spine on InDesign CS3 I use it that much. They are so vital to my everyday work it is unbelievable.

    If you need to know anything about any app then I couldn’t have any higher recommendation or praise than the Real World series.

    Congrats on getting the publication to press so quickly.

  • Klaus Nordby says:

    David, how about a swap — your latest InDesign tome for the now-classic collector’s item Real World QuarkXPress 3?

  • Jeremy says:

    Actually, even at the current Euro-Sterling exchange rate, it’s still cheaper for Euro users to buy from than (I just pre-ordered RWPSCS4 from

  • kurye says:

    great article thank you

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