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This Week in InDesign Articles, Number 136


Rain has finally come to the great American northwest, where I live. It’s been a hot, dry, dusty, sunny summer (apparently some people really like sunshine, but I’m almost ecstatic to see the rain again). Fortunately, rain or sun, we can always find something to read or watch, such as…

  • Haptics is the “science of touch.” I just got a copy of this white paper, “Haptic Brain, Haptic Brand” and I am blown away. I highly recommend watching the videos on that page, too, especially if you’ve ever heard the phrase “print is dead.”
  • Do you use color in your documents? Here’s a terrific article on how to capture and share color!
  • If you use Layer Overrides in AI and PDF files (turning on/off layers in InDesign), you want to read this article about a new behavior in CC 2015.1.
  • I didn’t know about this interesting product from Adobe: Adobe Font Folio Education Essentials, a set of 500 fonts at a reasonably low cost for students and educators (appears to only be available in North America).
  • Here’s a nice write up of typography tips for InDesign users
  • AIGA has an interesting article on why Design Online is Becoming More like Print.
  • I want to get this book: Lessons in Typography (seen via slideshare)
  • Speaking of lessons in typography, here’s a good article on a history of typefaces and classification.
  • Ariel has come up with another great free script… this one can help find collisions between italic letters followed by a roman parenthesis.
  • Adobe’s Inspire has a fun article about designing a movie poster… unfortunately, he uses Photoshop instead of InDesign. WTH?!
  • Interested in learning more about DPS? The folks at Tech4Pub have a terrific DPS handbook in digital, ebook, and print versions. And Adobe has released DPS 2015.3, with these updates.
  • Hey, if you haven’t seen the Adobe “made with DPS” gallery recently, you should check it out!
  • Oooh, here’s another piece from Tech4Pub… this time an essay on surviving as a designer in a digital world.


David Blatner is the co-founder of the Creative Publishing Network, InDesign Magazine, CreativePro Magazine, and the author or co-author of 15 books, including Real World InDesign. His InDesign videos at LinkedIn Learning ( are among the most watched InDesign training in the world.
You can find more about David at

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  • Cynthia V. Anderson, M.A. says:

    Just a quick note: I appreciate so much you using ” WTH?!” instead of the usual (you know what) that is far too common in content these days. It was nice to say “heck” in my head.

    Still a loyal fan!

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