Automatically embed all links in indesign?

Learn / Forums / InDesign Add-ons (Scripts, Scripting, and Plug-ins) / Automatically embed all links in indesign?

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    • #59718
      Lala Lala

      Is there a script to do this? I'd love to have some setting that just automatically embeds everything… whether it's placed, copy/pasted, drag-n-dropped, whatever. I understand the risks as far as creating huge filesizes.

      Ideally this would happen with zero interaction from me, the idea is I skip the process of opening the links panel and manually doing it… it just happens quietly in the background with every graphic I use.

    • #59758

      var doc = app.activeDocument;
      var links = doc.links;

      for (var i = links.length-1; i >= 0; i–) {

    • #59762
      Lala Lala

      very nice, I'm looking forward to trying this. Thank you!

    • #63648

      VERY USEFUL – thanks. Note: the “i-” is two negative signs (i–), not 1(i-). I copied and pasted so didn't notice until the script fails. I was able to also create an unembed script for storing on my computer after sending to printer. Great idea!

    • #63649
      Lala Lala

      Thanks Judy, and thanks also to Kasyan.

      If anyone else was confused, Judy's saying that the script won't work if you copy and paste it as-is, because a critical part of it got changed when Kasyan posted it. The forum software automatically changes two dashes to a long dash without asking you. After about twenty edits I think I've figured out how to properly work around this and give you copy – paste-able code.

      var doc = app.activeDocument;
      var links = doc.links;

      for (var i = links.length-1; i >= 0; i DASH DASH LOL) {

      Actually, after twenty edits, I give up. A change would have to be made by the forum administrator to fix this “useful” “feature” of wordpress forums. Seemingly nothing I do can allow two dashes to be typed side-by-side, which breaks a ton of copy/pasted code I'm sure.

    • #63662

      @CreeDo – a shorter version without the two dashes would be:



    • #14398263
      Heidi Rosendall

      This looks very cool, however, I’ve never created my own script before, I’ve uploaded them but not made them. So, do I paste the final code into a text file and save it with the script extension? Any caveats?

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