Centering tabbed text in a table cell?

Learn / Forums / General InDesign Topics / Centering tabbed text in a table cell?

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    • #90401

      Hi everyone,
      Can anyone tell me if this is a possible thing to do? See this image:

      (Note that the dotted grey line is just for illustration. It would not be there.)

      Is it possible to center the white space between the tabbed text so that it adjusts and everything remains centered as the cell width is changed? I know it would be easier to split the cell and right align the text in one cell and left align the stars in the other. However, this text is pulled into our CMS and for conversion purposes I’d like to keep the text and stars in one line. Or is there another way to achieve this?

      I hope this makes sense!

    • #90459

      It makes sense, but I can’t see a way to do this apart from having the text and the stars in two separate cells.
      I’d attack the problem from the CMS end I think, or manipulate the text after it comes out of InDesign and before it goes into the CMS.

      Good luck,

    • #90460

      Thanks for the reply, Chris. Yeah, I’ve been fixing the text up post-import so I think I will just keep doing that!

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