Change active view on a document

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    • #94893
      Cyril Nadal

      Hi everyone,

      I have an issue and i don’t find any solutions…

      When i open a document generated by InDesign, the active view is on a master spread (InDesign change view if we had a new master spread).
      I need to change it to pages before saving/closing.
      I’m working with InDesign Server CC.2015.
      “Document.LayoutWindows” does not exist.
      I’m looking for a VB or javascript solution.

      Can you help me ?



    • #94894
      Cyril Nadal

      I can add that i need to change view because use Document.CreateTOC is not possible if the view is on master spreads…

      • #95130
        Peter Kahrel

        I know the problem. But you can’t activate any page in InDesign Server. In a desktop installation you’d do[0].activePage = app.activeDocument.pages[0];

        For you, on ID Server, all you can do is to make sure that before your template is uploaded to the server, it’s saved with a document page active.

    • #94895
      Andre Vandal

      The master retains whatever the settings was at creation (1 or 2 pages) even if you change the document settings afterwards (Facing Pages), a solution is to create a new master page using only one page then replace the pages you wish to change with the new master.

      Hope this helps

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