Default parameters in functions

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    • #1228607
      Ward Baxter

      Does ExtendScript not support default parameters in functions? i.e.:

      function doSomething (a, b = null, c = 100) { // do scripty things }

      I can’t get defaults to work that way, and the “old” workaround I used to use inside the function doesn’t seem to work either:

      function doSomething (a, b, c) {
      b = typeof b !== ‘undefined’ ? b : null;
      c = typeof c !== ‘undefined’ ? c : 100;
      // do scripty things

      Thanks in advance.

    • #14323085
      Kal Starkis

      I believe ExtendScript is based on ye olde ES3, while default parameters are a feature of ES6, so you’re out of luck I’m afraid.

      As for your workaround, that should work in JavaScript, but ExtendScript can be a strange and unpredictable beast at times. In your sample code there, I notice you have ‘smart’ quotes around ‘undefined’, but I’m guessing that’s not in your actual code? You could try testing your variables directly against undefined instead:

      function doSomething (a, b, c) {
      b = (b !== undefined) ? b : null;
      c = (c !== undefined) ? c : 100;
      // do scripty things
    • #12243944

      I can’t get defaults to work that way, and the “old” workaround I used to use inside the function doesn’t seem to work either:

    • #12243947

      I can’t get defaults to work that way , and the “old” workaround I used to use inside the function doesn’t seem to work either:

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