Embed Youtube video for Public Online

Learn / Forums / InDesign User Groups / Embed Youtube video for Public Online

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    • #99239
      Gail Sands

      I read the Tip in the newsletter and followed the video on lynda.com. I’m not finding the place in Google Chrome or Safari where you can change the size of the video to fit the Indesign layout. Both the tip and lynda.com video was published in 2016. Has it changed since?

    • #99240
      David Blatner

      Yes, Google/YouTube is forever changing their user interface. It’s frustrating!

      This person says you just need to edit the pixel measurements in the HTML embed code: https://thecomputerladyonline.com/how-to-change-a-youtube-video-embed-code-size/

      Interesting: I just tried this in Firefox, and that still shows the old UI that gives you the resize options. But in Chrome and Safari it doesn’t. That is weird.

      Here’s a link to the original article about embedding youtube videos:

    • #99241
      Gail Sands

      Thanks David… but… I just downloaded Firefox ver. 56.0.2 and it is the same interface as Google and Safari.
      The article you attached from the computer lady was informative but requires you to edit the html.
      With publish online the option to edit the code isn’t available.
      Since you seem to have some pull with Adobe, maybe you can suggest that.

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