Export PDF based off Swatch color

Learn / Forums / InDesign Add-ons (Scripts, Scripting, and Plug-ins) / Export PDF based off Swatch color

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    • #1223328

      Looking to automate a process for exporting FPO content into separate PDF files of each layer from an InDesign file.

    • #14323262

      Doesn’t sound too daunting (except that the Swatch of your title is something entirely else than the Layer in your actual question).

      Are you looking for help on how to get this started, or are you only interested in a custom written script especially for you?

    • #14323249

      I’m not familiar with written Java Script, so a custom written would help. Plus the custom script still would help me get started. I was wondering if the script could look for the spot color labeled “FPO” then export all content in that color to a pdf file (separate PDF files of the layer name, if InDesign has separate layers). Trying to see how to use Java scripting in our workflows to expedite processes. Thanks!

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