Grep code

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    • #98804


      Can anybody help me with a crep code?

      I need to change quotation mark from one kind to another.

      From “lots of words in the book” to »lots of words in the book«

      I hope someone can do the trick ;·)

    • #98806

      And if it is possible to do it with variations:

      “Lots of words in the book.”
      »Lots of words in the book.«

    • #98807

      [I’ve just copied your sentence!] No need Grep!

      Replace “ by »
      Replace ” by «


    • #98814

      No need to use Grep, will change in normal text find.

      Find: “lots of words in the book”

      Replace: »lots of words in the book«

    • #98815

      Thank you for your reply.

      I may have to precise my problem. I have a book-text with lots of quotation marks surrounding different kind of text…
      I hoped that I could change both the marks at the same time.

      “random kind of word in any given sentence”
      »random kind of word in any given sentence«

      This I can’t do without a crep.

    • #98817
      Graham Park

      Not sure why you need GREP to do this but if you want to, I think you need two expression (Obi-wan might be able to do it in one)
      Problem trying to do it in one expression is that you have two different substitution you want to do.



    • #98818


      I need it because I have 150 pages of text, and there is at lot of marks to change.

      And I have three more books, where I have to do the same…

      It was a attempt to do it more quickly.

    • #98819
      Graham Park

      It has to be a Find and Replace with or with GREP.
      Do no think it can be done with a GREP in a Paragraph style because that can only add formatting not do a replace

    • #98820

      Okay, thanks for the replay.

      Had to try ;·)

    • #98822

      Hi guys, just another way:

      The look of a quotation-mark depends on the assigned language and therefore on the preference in Dictionary > Language > Double Quotes. The correct way would be: Change the look of the quotations here and then run a find: Shift+2, change: Shift+2 (either text or grep panel) and make sure before, that Preferences > Type > Use Typographers Quotes is checked.

      Why ist this maybe a better way than a simple find/change? Because if you type now quotion marks, you will get also the right ones.


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