In In-Tools still in busiiness?

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  • Author
    • #100396
      Matt Mayerchak

      Hi – I haven’t seen any updates on Gabe Harbs’ In-Tools site for the past few versions of InDesign.

      Harbs, are you still out there? Do you plan to release updates to any of your plugins such as Style Utilities, or Power Headers?

    • #101281
      Matt Mayerchak

      Guess not . . . no response to this, anyway

      • #101285
        David Blatner

        Hi Matt, my guess is that Harbs is not tracking this forum all the time. Have you written to him at

        I corresponded with him recently and he said that the changes required for CC 2018 were harder and taking longer than expected.

      • #114987
        Craig Ramsdell

        David – Do you have non-public email address for Harbs that you’d be willing to share? I paid for a Style Utilities license January 31, 2019 and haven’t received a license number as of today, March 17. I’ve sent multiple emails to the In-Tools public email addresses and I’ve received no reply. I’m out the money, and I can’t use Style Utilities.

        Thanks for your help!

      • #114992
        David Blatner

        @Craig: I will ping him again about this… I’m sorry to hear about the trouble.

      • #115450
        Craig Ramsdell

        David – thanks for your help!

    • #101286
      Matt Mayerchak


      Thanks for the reply. I have tried several times to reach him, to no avail. That’s why I posted on here, in case somebody knew what was up.

      I’m happy to hear that he is apparently still in good health and still working in the business.

      Meanwhile, I’m looking at the Hyperlink Pro script from ID-Extras. Looks like it will do what I need, at least for now.

      Thanks for your hep!

    • #101287

      Hi Matt,

      David pinged me on this.

      I really need to fix my email filters because the sheer volume of email I get drown out important ones…

      The updates for CC 2017 and CC 2018 have taken a tremendous amount of work and I wish I had more hours in the day. I’m pretty close to being done, but there are some things which are difficult to wrap up…

      • #114694
        Craig Ramsdell

        Harbs – I need your help.

        On January 31 I purchased a license for Style Utilities (receipt number 2178-0658-1616-34**) and I haven’t received a license file yet.

        I’ve sent multiple emails to [email protected] and used your online contact form and I haven’t received any replies.

        Can you provide a license file? I received automated receipts and responses from In-Tools at: craig@ramsdell*****.com

        Thanks for your help!

    • #101288
      Matt Mayerchak

      Harbs – great to hear from you!

      I do understand that it’s a lot of work, and I know that plugin developers don’t exactly make enough $ to hire teams of software engineers who ride hoverboards to their state-of-the art offices where company baristas await their command. You have to make your own coffee, as well as write your own code.

      I am very glad to hear that you are still working on the In-Tools products. I look forward to the day when they are available for purchase and use with CC2018, or CC2017 even.

      Best wishes,


    • #14324406

      It’s July 2019 and I can’t get hold of him either, after Emailing and Twittering.

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