Making numbering more convenient

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    • #95679
      Charlotte Mrzygod

      Hello all,

      There must be a trick to make numbered lists better. I am working on maintenance manuals, so there are many instances of text that would look similar to this:

      4.1 Delestib usapiss imperum isimus
      dolest fugia qui omnisit harchicto quaspis molorepe veniendis derum explibe rspere minciendiae voloratibus re ratque doloreruptur saere provitium volecepe porehenimus dolor as earuptam dem volore officiis consedia dolum, con poreium aut reic to odi denient dolum aut ad es eveliquostis
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      2. sitate dolore prent vellent urehent et volecepta nimintiorem que nost, volescius, veni dolupic te nonsenet re non esciis quae niatem ulluptae
      3. lab ipsus aut et volore quistor errovit eostruntusa velit qui omnisquiam ius vellibus eturem. Ut del etum siminveribus experiam quiaecepro in nonserore,
      autem sintiae reprepre, que core quatus aut vendi doluptiis in poratibus, sit volupti aspidel luptate sseque aut videbis ma nis quodi con nihilic itatemp erovit quibus estiand igendae nonecep udiatio nsequatin exped eate porerum cusant, cuptatem corent, net aut a di doloreptur?
      4.2 Apisque dicia ducit quis volupit et aped exera i
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      1. erum velectus simin peles re con nitem nonseque nusciis eumque et et que venditis incianita doluptatus dolupit qui sa sinist
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      I’m spending way too much time (even with some custom keyboard shortcuts) going in and restarting numbering or adjusting the “start at” for the list. I have set up paragraph styles for the header, body text, and two levels of numbered lists.

      What am I missing that would make this process a little simpler?

    • #95680
      David Blatner

      You need 2 different paragraph styles. This should help:

      • #95682
        Charlotte Mrzygod

        Thanks. I already have two, actually. (well more, but two that are relevant here)

        I read that article a while back but didn’t quite see how it would help me here. Totally possible I’m missing something though.

        The problem is that the style for steps 1, 2, 3, … etc. will affect the paragraph header numbering, and vice versa. I am fiddling with the “start at” for both of them once I apply the styles I am using.

    • #95684
      David Blatner

      Sounds like you need to adjust the Level values (make them 1 and 2) and then make sure you’re using the “Restart Numbers at This Level After” feature.

    • #95685
      Charlotte Mrzygod

      I am not sure what is going on, because I created a new document and started over defining the styles and the numbering is working correctly. There must be something in the paragraph settings that’s causing issues with this manual. I will have to fix my templates.

    • #95691
      Jova 313

      Make sure all your text frames are threaded, otherwise the numbering restarts. Also, is your text imported from wordfiles? This may cause issues, check in your paragraph style settings below List type if there isn’t a list selected by accident.

      • #95703
        Charlotte Mrzygod

        They are threaded, and this was not a Word document. I think I have it figured out going forward, and this particular document I’ll have to adjust numbering or convert to text to get it done on time. There aren’t any modifications or character styles applied, so I’m not sure what I did here …

        At least I have the new styles set up correctly for the next one!

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