MT-Script for InDesign – How can I use Unicode in Find/Change?

Learn / Forums / General InDesign Topics / MT-Script for InDesign – How can I use Unicode in Find/Change?

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  • Author
    • #102169
      Bruno Lima


      I’m trying to change the whitespace and replacement character (black diamond with a white question mark ?) to other characters on Find/Change – MT-SCRIPT.
      Is there any way to do this? I’ve tried to put between “<>”, “%%” or “$$” and a GREP syntax, like \x{0020} .. But it didn’t work.

      (U+0020) – Space
      (U+FFFD) – Replacement

      Thank you!

    • #102174
      Aaron Troia

      Hey Bruno,

      For some reason they made Unicode hard to search, I had to search and search to figure out how to find a Unicode character range in InDesign a while back.

      Try this,

      Find: \x{0020}
      Replace: \x{FFFD}


    • #102180
      Bruno Lima

      Thank you for your help, Aaron!

      But apparently the codes that work in GREP does not work to find characters in MT-Script. :(
      I think the developer did not make a way to change these special characters…


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