Opinions on FontBase

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    • #102643

      Hi everyone!

      I’ve been using Extensis’ software for font management for forever, but the more incremental Adobe updates that gave Extensis a way to charge you full price so often for incremental changes (or even software downgrades, like the elimination of font folders in version 8) had me looking for a simple, neat solution of replacement.

      This is how I stumbled into [url=https://fontba.se/]FontBase[/url], which is a very interesting new font manager, with basic functionality for now, but looking more promising with each new update.

      Has anyone else tried it? Any opinions on it? I kind of like it, but I don’t see too much activity from the userbase. This is why I thought striking a conversation here would spark some interesting ideas.

    • #102973
      Anders Moden

      I’m trying to migrate to Fontbase but it seems it isn’t quite ready yet. Today I noticed that when packaging an InDesign document, the fonts included in the package gets renamed to long strings of numbers and letters instead of the true font names. I found Fontbase on Facebook and have messaged them, but no answer yet (it’s only been three hours).

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