Paragraph Style Options – reduce Style Settings list?

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    • #104766
      Keren Pilli

      In the ‘General’ tab of the Paragraph Style Options, the ‘Style Settings’ overview list includes all the ‘Shading’ and ‘Border’ details. This includes all the stroke weights and radius settings etc, which ultimately makes that overview list very long.

      As I usually have ‘Shading’ and ‘Border’ set to ‘None’, it’s of no use to see all those details listed. Is there any way of not seeing them? It’s a minor issue, but an annoyance when trying to find other details at a glance.

    • #104778
      Erica Gamet

      I don’t know of any way to change that info…but usually if you have something set to none it just doesn’t list it. I’ve often wished it was organized more in a bulleted list type, rather that attribute + attribute + attribute, etc.

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