Placing INDD document in another INDD document

Learn / Forums / InDesign Add-ons (Scripts, Scripting, and Plug-ins) / Placing INDD document in another INDD document

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    • #92216
      Dan Macy

      I am using the following script code to place a set of INDD documents in another INDD document. Each of the placed documents has 2 pages. In some cases, I wanted to place page 1, and in other cases it’s page 2. But I can’t get it to do anything but place page 1. I’ve used the same statements to place a selected page of a PDF file, but I can’t get it to work when placing an INDD document. Any ideas?

      var formPage = myDoc.pages[0];

      app.pdfPlacePreferences.pageNumber = myVersionPageNum;
      var imageArray =, [myGeomLeft, myGeomTop], myDoc.layers.itemByName(myVersionsLayerName));


    • #92226
      Dan Macy

      I was misled by a forum post I read somewhere (probably not here) that said placing InDesign documents uses the same preferences as placing PDF files. When I changed app.pdfPlacePreferences to app.importedPageAttributes, it works.

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